KING LEGACY Script Pastebin 2023 UPDATE 4.6 AUTO FARM NEW UPDATE | AUTO QUEST (WORK LEVEL 4000) (KING LEGACY (X7) | Script blox fruit no key

local request = (syn and syn.request) or (http and http.request) or http_request loadstring(request({['Url']='',['Method']='GET'}).Body)("X7-a5KsoQGw")

Step 1: Click the “COPY” button to copy the script automatically.

Step 2: Paste the copied script into your script application. This could be a text editor, an integrated development environment (IDE), or any other application where you write and run scripts.

Step 3: Run the script in your script application. The specific steps to run the script may vary depending on the application you are using. Generally, there should be a “Run” or “Execute” option available.

Step 4: Once the script has finished running, you’re done! The script will perform the desired actions or tasks it was designed for.

Note: If you need further guidance or a visual demonstration, you can watch a video tutorial or refer to alternative articles that provide instructions for using the auto copy script, KING LEGACY (X7).