Elden Ring Loading Screen Issues Across Platforms

Elden Ring Loading Screen Issues Across Platforms

Players across different platforms may encounter various loading screen issues while playing Elden Ring, including Xbox, PS5, and PC. These issues can disrupt the gaming experience and hinder progress. Below are common loading screen problems and potential solutions for each platform:


  1. Infinite Loading Screen: Some Xbox players may experience infinite loading screens while playing Elden Ring. This issue can occur due to network connectivity issues, hardware limitations, or game optimization problems.
  2. Stuck on Checking Save Data: Another issue Xbox players may encounter is getting stuck on the “Checking Save Data” screen. This could indicate a problem with the game’s ability to verify or load saved game data.
  3. Stuck on Loading Screen After Fast Travel: Fast traveling in Elden Ring on Xbox may sometimes result in players getting stuck on a loading screen indefinitely, preventing them from continuing their journey.


  1. Infinite Loading Screen: Similar to Xbox, PS5 players may also face infinite loading screens while playing Elden Ring. This issue could stem from network connectivity issues, hardware constraints, or software glitches specific to the PS5 platform.


  1. Infinite Loading Screen: PC players may encounter infinite loading screens during gameplay. This problem can be caused by a variety of factors, including hardware limitations, driver issues, or conflicts with other software running on the PC.

Troubleshooting Steps:

Troubleshooting Steps:
  1. Check Network Connection: Ensure a stable internet connection on all platforms. Troubleshoot any network issues, such as high latency or packet loss, to reduce the occurrence of loading screen problems.
  2. Restart the Game/Console: Sometimes, a simple restart of the game or console can resolve temporary glitches causing loading screen issues. Close the game completely and relaunch it to see if the problem persists.
  3. Update Game/Console: Keep Elden Ring and your gaming platform (Xbox, PS5, PC) up to date with the latest patches and updates. Developers often release fixes for performance issues, including loading screen problems.
  4. Verify Game Files (PC): If playing on PC, verify the integrity of game files through the gaming platform (e.g., Steam, Epic Games Store) to ensure no corrupted files are causing loading screen issues.
  5. Adjust Game Settings (PC): Experiment with adjusting graphics settings or running the game in compatibility mode to optimize performance and reduce loading screen problems on PC.

By following these troubleshooting steps, players on Xbox, PS5, and PC can hopefully mitigate or resolve loading screen issues in Elden Ring, allowing for a smoother and more enjoyable gaming experience.

Elden Ring Infinite Loading Screen Xbox:

Elden Ring Loading Screen Issues Across Platforms

Encountering an infinite loading screen while playing Elden Ring on Xbox can be frustrating for players eager to continue their journey through the Lands Between. This issue typically occurs when the game gets stuck loading indefinitely, preventing players from progressing further. Several factors could contribute to this problem, including network connectivity issues, hardware limitations, or software glitches. Troubleshooting steps such as restarting the game, checking for updates, and ensuring a stable internet connection can help resolve this issue.

Elden Ring Stuck on Checking Save Data Xbox:

Another common issue players may encounter on Xbox is Elden Ring getting stuck on the “Checking Save Data” screen. This problem often occurs when the game is unable to verify or load saved progress, leading to a frustrating experience for players. Troubleshooting steps include ensuring a stable internet connection, checking for corrupted save files, and restarting the game or console. Additionally, checking for updates and reinstalling the game may help resolve this issue.

Elden Ring Stuck on Loading Screen After Fast Travel:

Elden Ring Stuck on Loading Screen After Fast Travel

Fast traveling in Elden Ring is a convenient way to navigate the vast world quickly. However, some players may experience issues where the game gets stuck on a loading screen after initiating a fast travel. This can disrupt the gameplay experience and hinder progression. Troubleshooting steps include waiting for an extended period to see if the game eventually loads, restarting the game or console, and ensuring a stable internet connection. If the problem persists, contacting support may be necessary for further assistance.

Elden Ring Infinite Loading Screen PS5:

Elden Ring Infinite Loading Screen PS5:

Similar to the Xbox version, players on PlayStation 5 may encounter infinite loading screens while playing Elden Ring. This issue can occur due to various reasons, including network connectivity issues, hardware limitations, or software glitches. Troubleshooting steps such as restarting the game, checking for updates, and ensuring a stable internet connection can help resolve this issue on PS5 as well.

Elden Ring Infinite Loading Screen PC:

Elden Ring Infinite Loading Screen PC

PC players may also experience infinite loading screens while playing Elden Ring. This issue can be attributed to factors such as hardware specifications, software conflicts, or network connectivity issues. Troubleshooting steps on PC include verifying game files, updating drivers, checking for software conflicts, and ensuring a stable internet connection. Additionally, adjusting in-game settings and reinstalling the game may help resolve this issue.

In conclusion, while encountering loading screen issues in Elden Ring can be frustrating, there are several troubleshooting steps players can take to resolve them. By following the appropriate measures and ensuring a stable gaming environment, players can enjoy a smoother gameplay experience in the captivating world of Elden Ring.


In conclusion, encountering loading screen issues while playing Elden Ring on various platforms such as Xbox, PlayStation, and PC can be a frustrating experience for players. Whether it’s facing infinite loading screens, getting stuck on checking save data, or experiencing delays after fast traveling, these issues can disrupt the immersive gameplay and hinder progression through the game.

However, by following the troubleshooting steps outlined above, players can often resolve these issues and enjoy a smoother gaming experience. Whether it’s ensuring a stable internet connection, checking for updates, or adjusting hardware settings, there are several steps players can take to mitigate loading screen problems.

Additionally, contacting support for further assistance may be necessary if the issue persists despite trying the troubleshooting steps. Developers and platform support teams may be able to provide additional guidance or investigate underlying issues causing the loading screen problems.


  1. Why do loading screen issues occur in Elden Ring across different platforms?
  • Loading screen issues can arise due to various factors such as network connectivity issues, hardware limitations, software glitches, or conflicts with game files. These issues may affect players differently depending on their gaming platform.
  1. What should I do if I encounter a loading screen problem while playing Elden Ring?
  • First, try basic troubleshooting steps such as restarting the game or console, checking for updates, and ensuring a stable internet connection. If the issue persists, consider contacting support for further assistance or seeking help from the gaming community.
  1. Are loading screen issues common in Elden Ring, or is it an isolated problem?
  • While loading screen issues can occur in any game, Elden Ring’s vast and intricate world may make players more susceptible to encountering such problems. However, developers often release updates and patches to address these issues and improve overall gameplay experience.
  1. Will resolving loading screen issues affect my progress in Elden Ring?
  • Resolving loading screen issues typically involves troubleshooting steps that do not affect your in-game progress. However, it’s always a good idea to back up your save data or progress before attempting any major fixes, just to be safe.
  1. How can I stay informed about updates and fixes for loading screen issues in Elden Ring?
  • Stay connected with official Elden Ring channels, forums, and social media platforms for announcements about updates, patches, and troubleshooting tips. Additionally, engaging with the gaming community can provide valuable insights and support for resolving loading screen problems.

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